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Pump won’t start
Does the school have power, is the circuit breaker switched on, and are the relay lights indicating the system is working correctly?
​Is the dry-run protection float switch in the rainwater harvesting tank preventing the pump from starting?
Pump will not start when the rainwater harvesting tank is empty. Refer to trouble shooting problem titled “Rainwater harvesting tank is empty” for solution.
Wait for the power to return, switch the circuit breaker back on, or resolve the issue indicated by the relay lights.
​Is the elevated tank full so that the float switches in the elevated tank prevent the pump from starting ?
Pump will not start when the elevated tank if full.
​Are the float switches in the rainwater harvesting or elevated tanks broken preventing the pump from running?
Contact the Gravity Water Team for assistance with an uncommon pump problem (
Contact the Gravity Water Team for support in replacing the float switches (
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